Sola Sauna Ultimate Sauna Guides

🔨 Step 2: Gathering Your Sauna Building Materials

Learn how to gather the necessary materials for building your own sauna. Find out what sauna heater, stones, wooden planks, insulation, and other materials you'll need.

Step 2: Gathering Your Sauna Building Materials

A sauna heater and a pile of sauna stones
Sauna Heater and Stones
Start by sourcing a suitable sauna heater. This could be an electric, wood-burning, or infrared heater, depending on your preference. Also, you'll need sauna stones, which are heated to create the steam in a traditional sauna.
Cedar wooden planks stacked neatly
Wooden Planks
Next, you'll need wooden planks for the walls and benches. Cedar is a popular choice because it's resistant to moisture and has a pleasant aroma. Make sure you have enough planks to cover all the walls and to build at least two benches.
Rolls of insulation and a foil vapor barrier
Insulation and Foil Vapor Barrier
Insulation is crucial for maintaining the heat in your sauna. You'll also need a foil vapor barrier to prevent moisture from seeping into the walls. Both of these materials are commonly available at home improvement stores.
A collection of sauna accessories including a thermometer, a bucket, and a ladle
Other Materials
Other materials you may need include screws, nails, a thermometer, a bucket, and a ladle. The bucket and ladle are used to pour water onto the heated stones to create steam.

Building your own sauna at home can be a rewarding project. Not only does it provide a personal retreat for relaxation and rejuvenation, but it also adds value to your home. The process may seem daunting at first, but with the right materials and a step-by-step guide, you'll be on your way to creating your very own sanctuary.

As highlighted in our widget, the first step involves sourcing a suitable sauna heater and stones. The type of heater you choose will depend on your personal preference and the specific requirements of your sauna. Whether you opt for an electric, wood-burning, or infrared heater, each has its own unique benefits. Sauna stones, on the other hand, are a universal requirement for creating that soothing steam in a traditional sauna.

Next, you'll need wooden planks for the walls and benches. Cedar is a popular choice due to its resistance to moisture and its pleasant aroma. However, when selecting your wood, it's important to consider the size of your sauna. Check out our guide on how large a sauna should be for more information.

Insulation and a foil vapor barrier are crucial for maintaining the heat in your sauna and preventing moisture from seeping into the walls. These materials are commonly available at home improvement stores. If you're unsure about how to install these, our guide on installing a home sauna kit can be of help.

Lastly, you'll need a few other materials like screws, nails, a thermometer, a bucket, and a ladle. The bucket and ladle are used to pour water onto the heated stones to create steam. While these may seem like minor details, they play a significant role in the overall sauna experience.

Building a sauna at home is indeed a project that requires careful planning and execution. But with the right guidance and resources, it's a task that's certainly achievable. For more detailed plans on building a small outdoor sauna, you can visit our FAQ section. Remember, the journey of building your own sauna is just as rewarding as the relaxation you'll enjoy once it's complete.